Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let's do everything Pinteresting!

In the past six months, I have found and become addicted to the new social networking site phenomenon, Pinterest. There are so many fantastic ideas on there from crafts, to DIY interior design, and great even more great ideas for anyone on a budget. 

My most favorite part of pinterest, however, is all the amazing recipe ideas! I find at least 50 new things I want to cook every single day on there! My mother and sister-in-law are the exact same way. 

I've made this blog to help my chronicle recipes that I have cooked and want to cook on Pinterest. I hope to turn my kitchen in to a whirlwind of creativity and delicious foods! Hopefully it will inspire you guys to cook more creative things as well!

Pinterest is still by invite only, so if you don't have an account but would like one, just leave a comment here with your e-mail address and I will send you an invite! Then we can all cook, decorate, and craft like the professionals! :)

Since this is my first post, I will keep it simple. This is one of my most favorite easy-to-make tips that I have learned:

Mason Salad Jars

This great idea comes from Karen Nichols (check out her blog here).

Basically, you make up these different salads and stack the ingredients just right in the Mason Jars so that they are fresh for up to one whole week. They are also weight watcher friendly. :)

This is a fantastic idea and I started doing it last week. This way, I had a healthy, delicious, prepared lunch every day. It really helps me to eat healthier. It's great to grab and take to work or school.

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